


What is the group read's goal?

We seek to read any short manga and have a discussion about it.

How are we going to do this?

We first agree on reading a manga. Then we read it. After that we can talk or chat about the manga in the Group Read channel. Even after we all finish the manga we can all talk about it. If the majority finished we move on to the next manga and do this process again.

Everyone is finished but i am still in the middle

You can still discuss the manga in the channel. People will always respond to you. So your pace don’t really matter much whether you are a slow or fast reader.

Is there a date where we can all talk and discuss the manga?

Yeah, but it’s entirely optional. U can skip the date and discuss at your own pace or discuss it in the said date. It doesn't matter.

what is the discussion date for the current manga?

Every friday.

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